Monday 21 January, 2008

Dating - A tricky game !

Dating indeed can be fun and yet a tricky game. The 1st date specially is the one that can be a make or break kind of situation and no matter how many times you have dated different people the fact that each person has their own unique trait makes every 1st date a reason to be anxious about and need to be prepared for.

People plan from what they will wear, the perfect venue, to what should be the right conversation to impress, not to miss - the most appropriate jokes to crack so as to seem an interesting company etc etc…However each date can be interesting and full surprises. Dating experiences surely can enrich you as an individual …

Here’s some dating tips from my enriching or at times not so enriching experiences. But come on some wise one said " Normal is boring ! ". Please feel free to share your experiences and tips too…

Tip 1 :Choose a good venue -Like a good restaurant or a place which you love or a place which serves the most amazing food. If the date doesn’t turn out interesting atleast the food must compensate for it.

Tip 2 : Always have a back up plan
-Incase your date turns out really boring or weirder than u expected ensure u have a friend on stand by who on one sms from u can call you back and pretend to be the most important work that needs your immediate attention. Works for me always

Tip 3 : Timing is critical -Materialistic as it may sound ( this one specially for the women) never date a man at the end of the month or a much younger man just taken up a new job or you will land up having a budgeted evening. I once dated a much younger charming young man (he seemed charming before the date, that is !!) who took me to Mac Donald’s for our 1st date and insisted on ordering the food without me getting a chance to choose what I would prefer. Grrr…latter I got to know that he had only 60 rupees in his wallet so he calculated what lunch he could afford to buy me in his budget.Grrr…

Tip 4 : Never date a 'Stopwatch' – Stay away from the Mr / Ms Always punctual!! They could be scary and intimidating. While it's fair not to make ur date wait too long but never date the 'Stop watch' kind ( the one who would check and nag you on every second of delay) of variety …I once dated a young man who was from the corporate world and meeting timelines and deadlines were his core. I got scolded on my 1st date for reaching 7 mins late and had frantic calls from him 10 mins before he was about to reach the venue reminding me of the agreed time. Grrr…I so wished he would be dead before he even thought about reaching that line!!

Tip 5 : Always try to Judge the book by its cover
– contrary to the exact opposite of this proverb in the dating world (I learnt this from my mistakes!! ) its critical to know a bit more about these partially blind dates with people you barely know coz of just knowing the voice ( only chatted with him / her on phone) or online type of dates. I chatted once with a biz associate for few days over the phone and totally was charmed by his husky deep voice. Just the perfect voice for what i would imagine a TDH kind of a guy would have( TDH =Tall dark and handsome) but to my disappointment the day he arrived at my office to meet me I had to run away from the back door fire exit. What I imagined to be the prince charming turned out to be a frog ( a short, really dark, lanky ugly fellow) Come on who ever told you looks were not important at all was either an outright liars or too ugly themselves.

Tip 6: Assumption is a curse :
If by any stroke of good luck you and your date seemed to enjoy each others company and want to meet up again DO NOT ASSUME ANYTHING about your date ASK OUT directly. One of my dates inspite of having a great time together on the 1st date had a bad habit of making assumptions such as “ I assumed you didn’t enjoy our 1st date so I didn’t call again”, “ I assumed you had moved to Tibaktu for further studies ( DUHH!!) so I didn’t call you again” etc etc etc . In the bargain inspite of enjoying a perfect evening together we never evermet again thanx to his bizarre assumptions. Grrr !

Well so thats the Tricky game of Dating ... but its good fun ! Yet another not so wise one once said " Date more people ...Recycle love " :)

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